While the dirt kids play in may seem fun at the time, their pores are better off unclogged. Keeping your child's face clean is essential to prevent skin problems, and exfoliating and moisturizing can also help. Making a habit of keeping skin clean, exfoliated and moisturized can prevent skin problems during and after puberty. Your child's skin differs from an adult's skin and therefore the products you choose and how often you use them should also differ.
Choose a gentle cleanser (several products on the market are made specifically for children) and get your child in the habit of washing her face twice a day--in the morning and at night. If your child sweats a lot during the day, it may be wise to wash once in the middle of the day as well.
Use a gentle exfoliate once a week. While most adults can exfoliate almost daily, children have softer, more sensitive skin that can easily become raw from over-exfoliation. It is unlikely that your child needs to exfoliate if she has not hit puberty yet. Choose a gentle exfoliant, and test the product on an inconspicuous area to ensure that there are no adverse reactions. Choose a day to exfoliate and be consistent with that day. The consistency will help your child get into the habit of exfoliating regularly; it will also prevent over exfoliation if he knows that he only needs to use the exfoliant on a certain day of the week.
Use a light moisturizer made specifically for children. There are also plenty of adult moisturizers for sensitive skin that are suitable for children. As with the exfoliant, test the the moisturizer on an inconspicuous area. Moisturizing is an important step to preventing skin problems. While cleaners and exfoliants will help clean pores, moisturizing ensures that skin stays healthy and that an occasional clogged pore doesn't turn into something much worse.
If you have serious concerns about your child's skin, consult your dermatologist. Skin problems that go undiagnosed can result in much larger issues. Keep in mind that your child's skin cannot be compared to yours. Most adult skin products are not suitable for young children. Your dermatologist is well-equipped to analyze your child's skin and decide on what treatment is best for her age.