Deep ingrown hairs are, at best, unpleasant to look at and, at worst, very painful. These deep ingrown hairs have grown through the wall of the hair follicle, also sometimes referred to as embedded hairs.
When you treat an embedded hair, try to control the inflammation in the area while the hair grows out until it breaks through the skin. During this time, don't pick at the ingrown hair — it could lead to infection and scarring.
Read more: How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs on the Neck
Drawing Up the Hair
Keep the area clean by washing the area around the ingrown hair with an anti-acne or anti-bacterial soap each morning. Use a rough washcloth and move in circular motions to try to tease the hair out of the skin.
Place a hot compress onto the ingrown hair three times per day, recommends the website Epigee. Leave it on for 15 minutes each time. If the compress cools during the 15 minutes, dip it in the hot water and reapply for the remaining time.
Next, apply 1 percent hydrocortisone cream to the area. You can do this two to three times daily, according to the package directions. Hydrocortisone cream will help reduce inflammation, which will make it possible to remove the ingrown end of the hair.
Removing the Hair
In an ideal world, you would see a dermatologist to remove the hair. If that's not possible, inspect the ingrown hair bump daily to see whether you can see the hair above the surface of the skin. Once the hair is noticeable above the skin, use an alcohol-sterilized pair of tweezers to lift the hair up by slipping the pointed end of the tweezers under the hair loop and pulling up gently.
If the hair is so deep that it's created a cyst, see a dermatologist. If it's a severe case, the doctor can surgically remove the cyst.
Preventing Infection
Treat the ingrown hair area for infection after you remove the ingrown hair tip. Bacitracin and triple antibiotic ointment are over-the-counter topical antibiotics available.
You can also contact your doctor for a stronger antibiotic, if needed. If you prefer a more natural method, apply tea tree oil, which can be found in diluted solutions that are antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal. Don't go above a 5 percent concentration.
Don’t shave for three to four weeks while the ingrown hair heals. You should also refrain from using chemical hair removal products during this time because of the risk of inflammation and irritation. If you get ingrown hairs often or if they don’t respond to self-treatment, contact your doctor for prescription options.
Read more: Badly Infected Ingrown Hairs
Writer Bio
Casey Holley is a medical writer who began working in the health and fitness industries in 1995, while still in high school. She has worked as a nutrition consultant and has written numerous health and wellness articles for various online publications. She has also served in the Navy and is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in health administration from the University of Phoenix.