Bath oil and a bath sponge next to hot tub
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Sebaceous glands are responsible for producing an oily, waxy substance known as sebum. Sebaceous glands can produce excessive amounts of oil that may combine with dead skin cells, blocking your pores and causing a range of skin conditions, such as blackheads, pimples and cysts. Home remedies, such as using tea tree oil, may help reduce the occurrence of sebaceous cysts, although you may require medical treatment for existing cysts, especially large and painful ones. Talk to your doctor before using tea tree oil to treat your sebaceous cysts.

Cystic Acne

While some people experience the eruption of a single cyst, individuals with acne-prone skin may suffer several eruptions at a time. These deep areas of infection and inflammation can be painful and may cause scarring. Hereditary factors, hormonal changes and picking at pimples can increase your risk of further infection. Treatments for this condition often focus on reducing oil production in the skin, as well as eliminating bacteria that cause infection. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are common medications for treating and preventing acne. Tea tree oil may provide some of the same benefits as these over-the-counter medications, helping to minimize inflammation and reduce bacteria.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil comes from the Melaleuca tree. Herbalists often promote tea tree oil as a type of antimicrobial solution. According to, in vitro studies support the bactericidal action of this herbal substance. If you use a gel that contains a 5 percent solution of tea tree oil, it may help treat your acne. Tea tree oil may also help treat other conditions, such as athlete’s foot and fungal nail conditions.


Although tea tree oil may help remove bacteria and minimize the risk of sebaceous cysts, this herbal remedy is not a proven or standard medical remedy for cystic acne. If you use tea tree oil instead of harsh chemicals, such as benzoyl peroxide, it may decrease your risk of skin irritation.


Topical applications of tea tree oil are safe for most adults, but ingesting the oil may be unsafe. Avoid using herbal remedies, including tea tree oil, in place of prescription medications, without your doctor’s advice. Severe acne and large sebaceous cysts often require medical treatment to limit scarring and clear up your skin condition. Consult a dermatologist if you experience numerous skin cysts or if home remedies do not help reduce acne breakouts.