Woman measuring waist
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An easy and consistent way to measure body fat uses a tape measure and a scale. Although not as accurate as using skinfold measurements or electrical impedance, measuring waist, neck and, for women, hip circumferences provides an inexpensive alternative. Also, a tape measure remains consistent, where a caliper measure of a skinfold varies depending on the technique of the person taking the measurements and their ability to find the same skinfold location each time.

Body Fat for Men

Remove your clothing and use the bathroom when you get out of bed in the morning. Step on the scale to determine your body weight.

Use your last recorded height measurement at the doctor's office, or use a tape measure to determine your height in inches. Round up to the next inch if the measurement is over a half inch. Round down to the previous inch if the measurement is less than a half inch.

Measure your neck circumference. Look straight ahead. Wrap the tape measure around your neck underneath the Adam's apple. Keep the height of the tape measure level around your neck. Round up the neck measurement to the closest half inch.

Measure your waist circumference. Stand tall. Place the tape measure around your stomach at the height of your navel and with contact against the skin. Breathe normally and record the measurement as you exhale. Round down the measurement to the nearest half inch.

Repeat steps three and four three times for an accurate measurement. Add the three measurements together and divide by three to determine an average.

Insert your measurements into this formula: 86.010 - (waist - neck) / 100 - 70.041 x (height / 100) + 36.76. The result determines your percentage of body fat.

Divide your bodyweight by the percentage of body fat to determine the number of pounds from fat weight.

Body Fat for Women

Remove your clothing and use the bathroom when you get out of bed in the morning. Step on the scale to determine your body weight.

Use your last recorded height measurement at the doctor's office, or use a tape measure to determine your height in inches. Round up to the next inch if the measurement is over a half inch. Round down to the previous inch if the measurement is less than a half inch.

Measure your neck circumference. Look straight ahead. Wrap the tape measure around your neck underneath the larynx. Keep the height of tape measure equal around the neck. Round up the neck measurement to the closest half inch.

Measure your waist circumference. Stand tall. Place the tape measure against your skin around your stomach at the thinnest part of your waist, usually between the navel and the breastbone. Breath normally, and record the measurement as you exhale. Round down the measurement to the nearest half inch.

Measure your hip circumference. Stand tall and place the tape measure around the widest part of your hips. Round down the measurement to the nearest half inch.

Repeat steps three, four and five three times. Add the three measurements and divide by three to obtain an average.

Insert the measurements into this formula: 163.205 - (waist + hip - neck) / 100 - 97.684 x (height / 100) - 78.387. This is your body fat percentage.

Divide your bodyweight by the percentage of body fat to determine the number of pounds from fat weight.


Use a non-stretchy tape measure against your skin during measurements. Aim to use the same tape measure and scale when you re-evaluate.


The American Council on Exercise suggests a healthy body fat percentage of less than 31 percent for women and 24 percent for men. Higher body fat percentages result in health risks such as high blood pressure, diabetes and increased risk for heart disease.