Ear infections often occur when a cold or sore throat develops. Bacteria known as otitis media enters the ear, behind the eardrum, and causes inflammation and fluid that can be very painful. Ear infections are generally not serious, and usually affect children. Ear-infection symptoms include clear fluid drainage from the ear or ears, difficulty hearing, and pain. These infections can be treated with an antibiotic, or you can use home remedies involving salt to eliminate symptoms of the pain until your body fights off the infection.
The Salt "Sock Remedy"
Measure 1 cup of salt and place in a microwave-safe bowl.
Heat the salt in the microwave for approximately three minutes on a high heat setting. The salt must be hot, not lukewarm, to provide ear-infection relief. If the salt is only lukewarm after heating for three minutes, heat for an additional two minutes.
Fill a large sock at least halfway full with the heated salt. Wrap a rubber band around the sock's open end.
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Place the heated sock under the infected ear, and lie down. The salt will help draw the fluid from the ear and provide pain relief.
Gargle with Sea Salt
Measure 1 cup of water and pour it into a microwave-safe glass.
Heat the water on a medium setting for one minute; the water temperature should be warm, not hot.
Add 1 tsp. of sea salt to the warm water. Stir the contents for two minutes to dissolve the salt.
Gargle this mixture three times daily. Sea salt will help remove toxins and the mucus associated with a cold or respiratory infection, which often spreads into the ear. Removing these toxins will help speed the recovery time of an ear infection.
Repeat the "sock remedy" as many times as needed daily to provide pain relief. In between using this remedy, you can also use a heating pad to relieve the pain associated with an earache.
If ear-infection symptoms include a fever or do not clear within one week, see your physician immediately.
If your child consumes a large amount of sea salt, seek prompt medical attention.
Writer Bio
Kathryn Milner is a professional writer of instructional articles currently residing in Pennsylvania. Her work appears on various websites, specializing in home improvement, medical concerns and nutritional conditions that affect everyday citizens.