Wasp stings are unpleasant enough that most people try to avoid these insects if possible. If a wasp stings you, take immediate steps to minimize the acute pain that will undoubtedly begin. There are effective ways to stop wasp sting pain. Swelling usually causes some residual pain, so take steps to reduce the swelling that will accompany a wasp sting as well.
Examine the sting area immediately to see if the stinger is still in the skin. If you see a stinger, use the side of a metal spoon or credit card to scrape the sting area lightly to get the stinger out of the skin. Never pull the stinger straight out. Doing this may increase the amount of venom released into the skin.
Wrap several ice cubes into the washcloth and apply ice to the sting area. Leave the ice on the sting for ten minutes and then remove it for ten minutes. Repeat the icing process several more times to keep the swelling minimized.
Make a mixture of garden soil and water to create mud. Apply the mud directly to the sting area to soothe the sting and reduce the pain. Leave the mud on the sting until it dries and reapply fresh, wet mud if necessary.
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Dilute two parts vinegar with two parts cool water. Soak the sting area in the diluted vinegar to stop the wasp sting pain.
Squirt a small dollop of toothpaste onto the sting area and spread it around generously. The toothpaste will relieve the pain and reduce swelling.
Monitor the sting victim for any signs of an allergic reaction. If severe swelling or breathing difficulty develops, seek emergency medical help immediately.
Never place ice directly onto skin. Skin can be damaged by prolonged direct contact with ice.
Writer Bio
Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as well as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Hatter has also had publication on home improvement websites such as Redbeacon.