Creatine kinase or phosphor creatine kinase is a useful enzyme found predominantly in the tissues of all the organs of a human body system. Creatine kinase levels in normal individuals range between 10 to 80 units per liter (females) and 17 to 150 units per liter (males). Creatine blood tests performed at various labs not only evaluate the levels of creatine in the blood but also serve as an indicator for the underlying disorders that have still not become evident. For instance, lower levels of creatine kinase may reveal the presence of an underlying alcohol liver disease and rheumatoid disorder. An abnormally high level of creatine kinase reflected in the blood test is indicative of a detriment to any organ of the body, especially the ones related to muscles and brain.
Go for the most current and the most preferred treatment of statin-induced myopathy. The procedure marks a slight increase of creatine kinase level in the first few hours followed by a steep decline in the level of creatine kinase.
Opt for the beta blocker treatment option for treating long-term higher levels of creatine kinase. The beta blocker treatment works more effectively when used in the initial stages of rise in creatine kinase levels.
Temporarily avoid the intake of diabetic medications, until the creatine kinase levels reach the normal range.
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High creatine kinase levels can also be witnessed in the case of neurological disorder hyper-CKaemia, a condition that can be examined by undergoing a regular neurological examination.