Filling the gap between the plate and the gum, denture liners are a soft rubber-like pad designed to improve the fit of loose dentures. After dentures have been fitted, gums will commonly recede over time, creating a space between the denture and the gums. Improperly fitting dentures can cause mouth ulcers and should be replaced with a properly fitting pair as soon as possible. However, until you can visit your dentist, you can add a denture liner to continue chewing in comfort.
Soak the denture overnight in a denture solution approved for your specific type of dentures. Consult your dentist if you have doubts about what solution to use.
Dry the denture completely with a clean paper towel or allow the denture to thoroughly air dry.
Remove the denture liner from the wrapper and place the liner on a clean, flat surface. Do not remove the paper backing from the liner.
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Place the denture upside down over the denture liner.
Trace a line on the denture liner with a nontoxic pen, using the outside edge of the denture as a guide.
Sterilize a pair of scissors with isopropyl alcohol and cut just inside the traced line on the denture liner.
Test the fit of the liner to the denture; the liner should fit just inside edge of the denture. Carefully trim the edge of the cut liner, if needed, with the scissors.
Remove the adhesive backing from the denture liner and press the liner into place against the surface of the denture.
Insert the denture in your mouth, without adhesive. Bite down gently on the denture to work the pad into the spaces between your gums. Remove the denture from your mouth, apply denture adhesive to the denture and wear as usual.
Do not use a standard toothbrush and toothpaste to clean dentures as it might scratch the surface of the denture, causing it to attract and trap bacteria in the abrasions.